

This module allows you to perform various actions on user rosters via prosodyctl.


After putting this module in your modules directory you can use it via prosodyctl like this:

prosodyctl mod_roster_command COMMAND [OPTIONS...]

Note: Do not add mod_roster_command to your Prosody config file. This is unnecessary because it will automatically be loaded by prosodyctl when you use it.


subscribe user@host contact@host

Subscribes the user to the contact’s presence. That is, the user will see when the contact is online (but the contact won’t see the user).

subscribe_both user@host contact@host

The same as the ‘subscribe’ command, but performs the subscription in both directions, so that both the contact and user will always see each other online.

unsubscribe user@host contact@host

Removes a subscription to the contact’s presence.

unsubscribe_both user@host contact@host

Same as unsubscribe, but also revokes a contact’s subscription to the user’s presence.

rename user@host contact@host [name] [group]

Sets or updates a name for a contact in the user’s roster, and moves the contact to the given group, if specified.


0.9 Works
0.8 Works


With the plugin installer in Prosody 0.12 you can use:

sudo prosodyctl install --server= mod_roster_command

For earlier versions see the documentation for installing 3rd party modules