

On a server with public registration it is usually desirable to prevent registration of certain “reserved” accounts, such as “admin”.

This plugin allows you to reserve individual usernames, or those matching certain patterns. It also allows you to ensure that usernames conform to a certain pattern.


Enable the module as any other:

modules_enabled = {

You can then set some options to configure your desired policy:

Option Default Description
block_registrations_users See source code A list of reserved usernames
block_registrations_matching { } A list of Lua patterns matching reserved usernames (slower than block_registrations_users)
block_registrations_require nil A pattern that registered user accounts MUST match to be allowed

Some examples:

block_registrations_users = { "admin", "root", "xmpp" }
block_registrations_matching = {
  "master$" -- matches anything ending with master: postmaster, hostmaster, webmaster, etc.
block_registrations_require = "^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+$" -- Allow only simple ASCII characters in usernames


0.12 Works
0.11 Work


With the plugin installer in Prosody 0.12 you can use:

sudo prosodyctl install --server= mod_block_registrations

For earlier versions see the documentation for installing 3rd party modules