
This module allows a user to identify what currently has access to their account.

This module depends on mod_sasl2_fast and mod_tokenauth (bundled with Prosody). Both will be automatically loaded if this module is loaded.


Name Description Default
enforce_client_ids Only allow SASL2-compatible clients false

When enforce_client_ids is not enabled, the client listing may be less accurate due to legacy clients, which can only be tracked by their resource, which is public information, not necessarily unique to a client instance, and is also exposed to other XMPP entities the user communicates with.

When enforce_client_ids is enabled, clients that don’t support SASL2 and provide a client id will be denied access.

Shell usage

You can use this module via the Prosody shell. For example, to list a user’s clients:

prosodyctl shell user clients

To revoke access from particular client:

prosodyctl shell user revoke_client grant/xxxxx


Requires Prosody trunk (as of 2023-03-29). Not compatible with Prosody 0.12 and earlier.



Listing clients

To list clients that have access to the user’s account, send the following stanza:

<iq id="p" type="get">
  <list xmlns=""/>

The server will respond with a list of clients:

<iq id="p" to="" type="result" xmlns="jabber:client">
  <clients xmlns="">
    <client connected="true" id="client/zeiP41HLglIu" type="session">
        <device>Juliet's laptop</device>
    <client connected="false" id="grant/HjEEr45_LQr" type="access">
        <software>REST client</software>

On the <client/> tag most things are self-explanatory. The following attributes are defined:

The <first-seen/> and <last-seen/> elements contain timestamps that reflect when a client was first granted access to the user’s account, and when it most recently used that access. For active sessions, it may reflect the current time or the time of the last login.

The <user-agent/> element contains information about the client software. It may contain any of three optional child elements, each containing text content:

The <auth/> element lists the known authentication methods that the client has used to gain access to the account. The following elements are defined:

Revoking access

To revoke a client’s access, send a <revoke/> element with an ‘id’ attribute containing one of the client ids fetched from the list:

<iq id="p" type="set">
  <revoke xmlns="" id="grant/HjEEr45_LQr" />

The server will respond with an empty result if the revocation succeeds:

<iq id="p" type="result" />

If the client has previously authenticated with a password, there is no way to revoke access except by changing the user’s password. If you request revocation of such a client, the server will respond with a ‘service-unavailable’ error, with the ‘password-reset-required’ application error:

<iq id="p" type="error">
  <error type="cancel">
    <service-unavailable xmlns="xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'">
    <password-reset-required xmlns=""/>


With the plugin installer in Prosody 0.12 you can use:

sudo prosodyctl install --server= mod_client_management

For earlier versions see the documentation for installing 3rd party modules