

This module allows you to implement a component that speaks HTTP. Stanzas (such as messages) coming from XMPP are sent to a configurable URL as a HTTP POST. If the POST returns a response, that response is returned to the sender over XMPP.

See also mod_post_msg.

Example usage

Example echo bot in PHP:


// Receive and decode message JSON
$post_data = file_get_contents('php://input');
$received = json_decode($post_data)->body;

// Send response
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode(array(
        'body' => "Did you say $received?"



The module is quite flexible, but should generally be loaded as a component like this:

Component "" "component_http"
  component_post_url = ""

Such a component would handle traffic for all JIDs with ‘’ as the hostname, such as ‘’. Although this example uses a subdomain, there is no requirement for the component to use a subdomain.

Available configuration options are:

Option Description
component_post_url The URL that will handle incoming stanzas
component_post_stanzas A list of stanza types to forward over HTTP. Defaults to { "message" }.



Each received stanza is converted into a JSON object, and submitted to component_post_url using a HTTP POST request.

The JSON object always has the following properties:

Property Description
to The JID that the stanza was sent to (e.g. foobar@your.component.domain)
from The sender’s JID.
kind The kind of stanza (will always be “message”, “presence” or “iq”.
stanza The full XML of the stanza.

Additionally, the JSON object may contain the following properties:

Property Description
body If the stanza is a message, and it contains a body, this is the string content of the body.


If you wish to respond to a stanza, you may include a reply when you respond to the HTTP request.

Responses must have a HTTP status 200 (OK), and must set the Conent-Type header to application/json.

A response may contain any of the properties of a request. If not supplied, then defaults are chosen.

If ‘to’ and ‘from’ are not specified in the response, they are automatically swapped so that the reply is sent to the original sender of the stanza.

If ‘kind’ is not set, it defaults to ‘message’, and if ‘body’ is set, this is automatically added as a message body.

If ‘stanza’ is set, it overrides all of the above, and the supplied stanza is sent as-is using Prosody’s normal routing rules. Note that stanzas sent by components must have a ‘to’ and ‘from’.


By default the module automatically handles presence to provide an always-on component, that automatically accepts subscription requests.

This means that by default presence stanzas are not forwarded to the configured URL. To provide your own presence handling, you can override this by adding “presence” to the component_post_stanzas option in your config.


Should work with all versions of Prosody from 0.9 upwards.


With the plugin installer in Prosody 0.12 you can use:

sudo prosodyctl install --server= mod_component_http

For earlier versions see the documentation for installing 3rd party modules