This module provides a RESTful method for sending XMPP stanzas.
This enables you to send stanzas by making HTTP requests to
DANGER/ACHTUNG!: This module does NOT enforce any authentication or user-checking. This means that by default stanzas can be sent anyone on behalf of any user.
You should enable mod_http_authentication, to require authentication for calls made to this module, or alternatively, you could use a reverse proxy like Nginx.
Add "http_rest"
to modules_enabled
, either
globally or for a particular virtual host.
You can use curl to make the HTTP request to Prosody, to test whether this module is working properly:
curl -k http://localhost:5280/rest -u username:password -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -d '<iq to="pubsub.localhost" type="set" id="4dd1a1e3-ef91-4017-a5aa-eaba0a82eb94-1" from="user@localhost"><pubsub xmlns=""><publish node="Test mod_rest.lua"><item>Hello World!</item></publish></pubsub></iq>'
With the plugin installer in Prosody 0.12 you can use:
sudo prosodyctl install --server= mod_http_rest
For earlier versions see the documentation for installing 3rd party modules