

This module adds additional metadata to media shared in a MUC. This can help clients make decisions and provide better UI and enhanced privacy, by knowing things like file size without needing to make external network requests.

NOTE: This is an experimental module. It is not supported by any clients, and therefore is mainly of interest to client developers who wish to explore the idea.



Component "" "muc"
modules_enabled = {


There are no configuration options for this module.


Example stanzas

A normal message in a chatroom containing an image:

<message from="" id="9f45a784-5e5b-4db5-a9b3-8ea1d7c1162d" type="groupchat">
  <x xmlns="jabber:x:oob">

The same stanza with this module loaded now contains additional metadata added by the server:

<message from="" id="9f45a784-5e5b-4db5-a9b3-8ea1d7c1162d" type="groupchat">
  <x xmlns="jabber:x:oob">
    <metadata xmlns="">


With the plugin installer in Prosody 0.12 you can use:

sudo prosodyctl install --server= mod_muc_media_metadata

For earlier versions see the documentation for installing 3rd party modules