

This module exposes a nodeinfo2 .well-known URL for use e.g. from


Enable the nodeinfo module in your global modules_enabled section:

modules_enabled = {

Set the nodeinfo2_expose_users option to false if you don’t want to expose statistics about the amount of users you host:

nodeinfo2_expose_users = false

Set the nodeinfo2_expose_posts option to false if you don’t want to expose statistics about the amount of messages being exchanged by your users:

nodeinfo2_expose_posts = false

This module depends on mod_lastlog to calculate user activity, and mod_http. Most of its configuration actually happens in this dependency.


trunk Does not work 1
0.11 Should work

  1. not after 5f15ab7c6ae5↩︎


With the plugin installer in Prosody 0.12 you can use:

sudo prosodyctl install --server= mod_nodeinfo2

For earlier versions see the documentation for installing 3rd party modules