

This module implements the Prometheus reporting protocol, allowing you to collect statistics directly from Prosody into Prometheus.

See the Prometheus documentation on the format for more information.

Note: For use with Prosody trunk (0.12) we recommend the bundled mod_http_openmetrics instead. This module (mod_prometheus) will continue to be available in the community repository for use with older Prosody versions.


mod_prometheus itself doesn’t have any configuration option, but it requires Prosody’s internal statistics provider to be enabled. You may also want to change the default collection interval to the one your statistics consumer is using. See below for more information.

statistics = "internal"
statistics_interval = 15 -- in seconds

NOTE: Make sure to put the statistics variables in the global section of the configuration, not in a VirtualHost or Component section. You can use prosodyctl check if you are unsure and want to check your configuration.

See also the documentation of Prosody’s HTTP server, since Prometheus is an HTTP protocol that is how you can customise its URL. The default one being http://localhost:5280/metrics

Scrape interval vs statistics_interval

The statistics_interval should be set to "manual" on trunk if and only if you have a single Prometheus instance scraping Prosody. This will allow the internal statistics gathering to run optimally.

If you have multiple instances scraping Prosody, set statistics_interval to the scrape interval of Prometheus to avoid errors in rate calculations and similar.

Future work will allow the use of "manual" with multiple Prometheus instances and varying scrape intervals (stay tuned).


trunk Works (but replaced by mod_http_openmetrics)
0.11 Works
0.10 Works
0.9 Does not work


With the plugin installer in Prosody 0.12 you can use:

sudo prosodyctl install --server= mod_prometheus

For earlier versions see the documentation for installing 3rd party modules