

This module allows Prosody to fetch Atom and RSS feeds for you, and push new results to subscribers over XMPP.


This module needs to be be loaded together with mod_pubsub.

For example, this is how you could add it to an existing pubsub component:

Component "" "pubsub"
modules_enabled = { "pubsub_feeds" }

feeds = {
  -- The part before = is used as PubSub node
  planet_jabber = "";
  prosody_blog = "";

This example creates two nodes, ‘planet_jabber’ and ‘prosody_blog’ that clients can subscribe to using XEP-0060. Results are in ATOM 1.0 format for easy consumption.


This module also implements WebSub, formerly known as PubSubHubbub. This allows “feed hubs” to instantly push feed updates to subscribers.

This may be removed in the future since it does not seem to be oft used anymore.

Option summary

Option Description
feeds A list of virtual nodes to create and their associated Atom or RSS URL.
feed_pull_interval_seconds Number of seconds between polling for new results (default 15 minutes)
use_pubsubhubub Set to true to enable WebSub


0.12 Works
0.11 Works


With the plugin installer in Prosody 0.12 you can use:

sudo prosodyctl install --server= mod_pubsub_feeds

For earlier versions see the documentation for installing 3rd party modules